BONUS: 3 Proven Converting Page Templates Included!

The ultimate guide for...

Creating High-Converting Landing Pages

I'll teach you how to create a landing page from the ground up (even if you have no prior experience) so that you can increase your sales and sign-ups within 7 days.

The ultimate guide for...

Creating High-Converting Landing Pages

I'll teach you how to create a landing page from the ground up (even if you have no prior experience) so that you can increase your sales and sign-ups within 7 days.

Increase Conversion Rates

The 17 step list I always go through to

increase conversion rates and improve sales across any landing page almost immediately

Optimize Landing Page Design

WARNING - You're probably spending too much time on design (optimizing it is more important) and I’ll prove it to you by showing you my best-converting pages ever

Craft Juicy Landing Page Copy

Why beginners are able to write landing page copy that grabs attention and the exact structure that helps them do so

Learn How You Can Build High-Converting Landing Pages the First Time Around!

When you sit down to build a page it can be a grueling task.

You don't know what to sections to put where...

How to write any of the copy...

Or even what colors to use!

So when you finally end up filling out a page... you're left with a jumbled mess (that doesn't look too pretty).

And the sad part is...

You could spend hours fixing and tweaking this page and still not see any sales come in!

When all you want is your product to fly off the digital shelves but you go days without getting a sale or signup instead...

I know how frustrating it is because... I'm no different...

It took me 2 1/2 years, 150+ pages, and 13+ different industries... to figure out a basic framework that has worked time and time again. I can now confidently go into any industry and convert above the industry average (currently working with real estate, digital products, legal leads, high-ticket services, and ecommerce to prove it).

Getting here wasn't easy though...

My first client was a famous WWE wrestler when I was only 19 years old.

So needless to say... I had a lot of pressure put on me to figure out what did and didn't work.

I was a hard worker but probably not the smartest as it took me nearly 6 months just to find a format that converted above the industry average!

But as soon as I did I had to find a new client... figure out what worked in that industry... and then move on because they were out of projects. This continued on for quite some time... until I struck gold.

A framework I used worked (and worked well). So I used it again... and it worked! I knew I had found something special but I needed to prove it. So I set out to test it across a variety of industries and offers only to find...

That it's elements could be applied to nearly any type of landing page.

I've been holding all of this power to myself to only use with my clients that pay me thousands but... after careful consideration and years of hard work... I'm giving the blueprint away.

And to make you your money back as fast as possible...

Grab a "Quick Win" Within 90 Seconds of Signing Up...

If you’re anything like me… you’re probably wondering the quickest way you can see an increase in conversion rates as soon as you purchase. So here’s the deal…

In an attempt to get you the quickest win out of any course you've purchased (seriously you should time yourself after clicking the checkout button) I’ve included a landing page checklist that you can use to tweak your current (or future) landing pages that can GUARANTEE increased conversions if followed correctly.

When you get inside… go to the checklist, fix some things on your current landing page, and make your investment back in the coming days with more sales or booked calls. You wouldn't even need to look at the rest of the course! But those that do will learn much more about building out landing pages that convert well the first time around (so you don't have to keep fixing them afterwards).

And even after telling you the potential of everything inside this course... I know there's one person out there saying "isn't this going to be a bunch of recycled mumbo jumbo?" but they're wrong because...

The Converting Landing Page Blueprint

The "lazy man's" technique to building a converting landing page from the ground up (and proven cures for diagnosing and reviving bad pages)

Here's a Sneak Peek...

Module #2 - Market Research Hidden Secrets 👤:

The quickest and easiest way to conduct market research without talking to a single person!

Module #4 - Landing Page Workflow 🪜:

My signature process for creating a landing page that I use with every page I make (including this one)!

Module #10 - Colors and Flow 🎨:

I've never taken design training because it doesn't matter! Learn the basics behind colors and flow to achieve converting pages!

Module #15 - 3 Conversion Boosters 📈:

Add any one of these three things and automatically see an increase in conversion rates!

Module #16 - Social Proof is 🔑:

Why social proof is so important and how you can get it from past customers and clients!

Module #17 - Mini-Copywriting Guide ✍️:

All the important elements behind landing page copy and how you can write words that hold attention!

Module #19 - General Optimization 🧪:

How to conduct split tests, use user recordings, and look over analytics to convert more people!


The Converting Landing Page Blueprint

The "lazy man's" technique to building a converting landing page from the ground up (and proven cures for diagnosing and reviving bad pages)

Here's a Sneak Peek...


Module #2 - Market Research Hidden Secrets 👤:

The quickest and easiest way to conduct market research without talking to a single person!

Module #4 - Landing Page Workflow 🪜:

My signature process for creating a landing page that I use with every page I make (including this one)!

Module #10 - Colors and Flow 🎨:

I've never taken design training because it doesn't matter! Learn the basics behind colors and flow to achieve converting pages!

Module #15 - 3 Conversion Boosters 📈:

Add any one of these three things and automatically see an increase in conversion rates!

Module #16 - Social Proof is 🔑:

Why social proof is so important and how you can get it from past customers and clients!

Module #17 - Mini-Copywriting Guide ✍️:

All the important elements behind landing page copy and how you can write words that hold attention!

Module #19 - General Optimization 🧪:

How to conduct split tests, use user recordings, and look over analytics to convert more people!

Here Are a Few of My Big Wins From the Past 3 Months:

Get a Converting Landing Page for $14,903 off?!

There are tons of people and agencies out there that would build you a landing page for a couple thousand bucks.

I've even seen some pages that costed $15,000 to make... and that's just for one page!

So if I were to price this course at $1500 I think it'd be fair to say that you'd get your money's worth and would save 10x of what some people charge for a singular landing page. But...

I've talked to hundreds of people from Twitter and I've heard one common thing over and over again...

"Every good course/program is always extremely high priced! People in some countries have to fork over their salary for an investment that big." And to me... that's not fair.

So in order to make it worth my time to put this information together AND also appeal to people from all over the world...

You can grab the Converting Landing Page Blueprint for just $97 (just 0.64% of what some people charge).

No extra monthly fees. No secret charges. Just a one-time fee.

The best part?

You can apply this knowledge over and over again for any page you come across.

You'll finally have a proven system for figuring out what's wrong and increasing your conversion rates!

Which can quite literally double and triple the amount of money you make!

Don't take my word for it...

Here's What People are Saying!

And when you purchase today...

You'll Unlock 3 FREE Bonuses!


My Magical Converting Landing Page Checklist ✨📈 ($497 value)

Whenever someone comes to me and says their landing page isn't doing well... I run their page through this exact checklist. If it's missing any of these elements I know there are things I can add within minutes to increase their conversion rate.


Opt-in Page Training▶️($197 value)

I have an opt-in page template that I use for myself and all of my clients that has seen warm traffic opt-in rates as high as 85% and 63% for cold traffic! You get the whole training for FREE!


Opt-in Page Training▶️($197 value)

I have an opt-in page template that I use for myself and all of my clients that has seen warm traffic opt-in rates as high as 85% and 63% for cold traffic! You get the whole training for FREE!


Landing Page Templates 📄 ($1497 value)

You'll get instant access to my low-ticket, high-ticket, and opt-in page landing page templates! I've tested out 150+ different pages and these three have converted the best every single time. All you have to do is build them out, fill them out, and you'll start converting better!

Build a Converting Landing Page and See More Sales, More Signups, or More Booked Calls within 7 Days!

Here's everything you're getting INSTANT access to:

Module #1 - Landing Page Introduction: A dialed in workflow (and what page builders to use) so you can create a landing page in no-time flat ($47 value)

Module #2 - Behind the Scenes: Get an over the shoulder look of me creating a landing page ($147 value)

Module #3 - Vital Page Elements: 7 different sections you need on your page (and exactly how to build each one out) ($397 value)

Module #4 - Copywriting 101: Learn more about copywriting specifically on landing pages (with ideas that you can apply to any piece of writing you come across) ($97 value)

✅ Module #5 - Optimization: How I split-test for my clients to further optimize pages and increase conversions ($47 value)

Bonus #1: The Magical Landing Page Checklist ($497 value)

Bonus #2: Opt-in Page Training ($197 value)

Bonus #3: 3 Landing Page Templates ($1497 value)

Unlock Everything Above for $2,926 just $97 Today!

About Logan

As I was growing up money was always tight. I had a great childhood and always had cool stuff but I couldn't help but notice my friends with big houses, pools, and the newest gaming system. And ever since then I've wanted to chase something bigger.

From jailbreaking people's iPods to working for a WWE star at the age of 19... I've always been looking for ways to make money. And it took me until age 19 to find the two things that have stuck around... copywriting and landing pages.

After I graduated college in 2021 I went full time creating pages for people and companies. I see this course as a great way to share my knowledge and finally give people looking to increase conversions or create a life for themselves in making money online something to start from.

30-Day Money Back Guarantee!

I want you to go test out all of my tips... read through my battle-tested strategies... and apply these tips to your own pages. If after doing all of that within the first 30 days and you come to realize that you don't think it's worth $97... I'll give you the $97 back immediately.

So think about this as a "test-drive". If you don't like it you don't have to pay for it!

Frequently Asked Questions

What all am I getting inside?

You'll get access to everything listed below:

✅ Module #1 - Landing Page Introduction: A dialed in workflow (and what page builders to use) so you can create a landing page in no-time flat ($47 value)

✅ Module #2 - Behind the Scenes: Get an over the shoulder look of me creating a landing page ($147 value)

✅ Module #3 - Vital Page Elements: 7 different sections you need on your page (and exactly how to build each one out) ($397 value)

✅ Module #4 - Copywriting 101: Learn more about copywriting specifically on landing pages (with ideas that you can apply to any piece of writing you come across) ($97 value)

✅ Module #5 - Optimization: How I split-test for my clients to further optimize pages and increase conversions ($47 value)

✅ Bonus #1: The Magical Landing Page Checklist ($497 value)

✅ Bonus #2: Opt-in Page Training ($197 value)

✅ Bonus #3: 3 Landing Page Templates ($1497 value)

Are there examples of landing pages inside?

Yes! I show off some pages inside the videos as examples. I'll also be adding more comparisons this month (so you can see lots of before and after's). I'll also be going over what makes a converting landing page and give you templates to use for different types of offers.

Will this be too basic for me?

While my goal is to teach everyone the basics of landing pages… I want people to KEEP improving their skills. Because of this I’ve included more advanced techniques and strategies inside that you can add to your landing page skillset to unlock more customers, more sales, and more happy clients.

How am I sure that I will learn something from this course?

Have you learned something from my Twitter content? If so… think about all the stuff I don’t post on Twitter because I want to keep it for myself and the close people around me. I’m finally revealing all of that information and more. If anything you’ll get an inside look of the marketing industry and uncover some new trends that are making some big waves. And as a fall back… you always have my money back guarantee :)

Do you offer a money back guarantee?

Yes! I want you to go test out all of my tips and read through my battle-tested strategies. And if after doing all of that you still didn't get enough value out of this course... I'll put every dollar you gave me back in your pocket. You can even keep the templates for trying it out.

How can I get more guidance alongside the course?

I know how important it is to receive continued support throughout this process so… my community will be releasing in 2023 and you'll get a special discount :) For now it’ll just be all of the training inside but soon enough we’ll have monthly calls, people you can talk to, and a swipe file that updates every month with new pages! We’ll be able to track new trends and I can keep everyone up to date with what’s working with the big dogs.

Will this work for landing pages outside of the info-product space?

Yes! While the main focus of this course (and many examples I show) are from selling info-products, these principles have been battle tested for the last 2 years across a variety of industries. There are several main ideas that hold true across any type of landing page. The templates I give away inside include a high-ticket service/program page as well.

Are you ready to...

Start Increasing Conversions and Uncover More Sales and Signups?

Unlock the step-by-step guide that expert landing page creators use to repeatedly craft high-converting pages...

Module #1 - Landing Page Introduction: A dialed in workflow (and what page builders to use) so you can create a landing page in no-time flat ($47 value)

Module #2 - Behind the Scenes: Get an over the shoulder look of me creating a landing page ($147 value)

Module #3 - Vital Page Elements: 7 different sections you need on your page (and exactly how to build each one out) ($397 value)

Module #4 - Copywriting 101: Learn more about copywriting specifically on landing pages (with ideas that you can apply to any piece of writing you come across) ($97 value)

Module #5 - Optimization: How I split-test for my clients to further optimize pages and increase conversions ($47 value)

Bonus #1: The Magical Landing Page Checklist ($497 value)

Bonus #2: Opt-in Page Training ($197 value)

Bonus #3: 3 Landing Page Templates ($1497 value)

Get Instant Access for just $97 Today!

Imagine what it would be like to double your conversion rates? How many more sales would you get? And the most important question... how much more money would you make? It's entirely possible within just 7 days. Worst case scenario? I'll give you every penny you paid me back (no questions asked).

I've seen thousands of pages, working on a couple hundred, and testing them against warm and cold traffic to find the blueprint that has held strong throughout each test. And for a limited time you can get instant access to it (plus the templates I use for myself and clients) for one payment of $97. Click the button below to get instant access.